Scientific Name of a Guava Fruit

Guava is a very common type of fruit in all tropical countries wherein there are even many different types of breeds which provides different tastes. If you are interested, you can even plant your own guava tree which requires a few and easy steps. You can refer on the previous post entitled 'How to Plant Guava Seeds for Dummies'. The post will explain every details that you need to know about planting your own guava tree.

So what exactly is the scientific name of a guava fruit?

The answer is "Psidium guagava L". If you are curios about the letter 'L' at the end, it is simply the 'author citation' which stands for 'Linnaeus'. Upon knowing the scientific name, you may also want to consider knowing the scientific classification of the guava fruit which are the following:

Kingdom - Plantae

Guava tree belongs to Plantae group because of its green colored leaves. Other classification of plants that falls into this group are those that form a clade which includes conifers, ferns and etc...

Division - Magnoliophyta

A guava tree also blooms small flowers which makes it categorized as a 'Magnoliophyta'.
Class - Magnoliopsida

Magnoliopsida is the botanical class name for all flowering plants.

Subclass - Rosidae

Order - Myrtales

Family - Mytaceae

Subfamily - Myrtoideae

Tribe - Myrteae

Genus - Psidium

Species - Guajava

The Term Guava in Other Countries

Guava is simply the English term for the fruit but in different countries the fruit have different names. Below are the list of some countries along with the term on how they call the fruit in their own language:

Spanish - Guayaba

Romanian, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian - Guava

Dutch and German - Gauve

French - Goyave

Portuguese - Goiaba

Arabic - Jwafa

Hindi - Amrood

Japanese - Guaba

Bengali - Pearah

Indonesian and Malay - Jambu or Jambu Batu

Filipino - Bayabas


Is your term for the guava fruit not mentioned on the list? Feel free to post on the comment form below the term on how you call the fruit in your own language. In some countries, they have different dialects wherein they call the guava differently. Thus, you may state your country and dialect then your term for the guava fruit.

How to Plant Guava Seeds for Dummies

There are two different methods in planting and growing your guava tree. The first method is to use guava seeds and the second is to use a seedling or sucker. According to the experts, its best to apply the second method which ensures that your guava tree will surely bear plenty of fruits.

The First Method

You can buy your guava fruit from any market or grocery store. There are different types of breeds so choose the best guava fruit of you choice that you wish to plant and grow. Another important aspect that you need to consider is that the fruit must be ripe. Over-ripe guava fruit will be a lot much better as most of the seeds had already expanded. However, over-ripe guava fruit are no longer edible.

Slice the guava fruits into pieces then boil it into a pot of boiling water for about 5 minutes. This procedure will break the dormancy of the seeds and speeds up the germination process. Collect the seeds and put them on a small saucer plate. Fill the saucer plate with water just good enough to keep the seeds wet which is to maintain moisture.

After 2 to 5 weeks, your guava seeds should start sprouting into a tiny little plant. Thus, the next step for you to do is to prepare a nursery pot for them. Use black soil on your nursery pot as this type of soil have the essential nutrients needed by young plants to grow healthy.

As your little guava plant starts to grow in size, you need to change or transfer it into a larger-sized pot. You may also plant it directly in an open area. You have to know that most guava trees can naturally grow at an approximate size of 30 feet in height.

The Second Method

In most cases, guava trees that has been planted via the first method is claimed by some individuals as an inappropriate method. Your plant will most likely die but if it manages to grow, it will only bear few amount of guava fruits. At some point, it might not even bear fruits which will be the worse possible outcome.

To ensure that all your effort will not go to waste, the second method of planting a guava tree is best suggested. The best way to obtain a seedling is to buy it from a local nursery store that sells them.

Planting a guava tree is actually very easy wherein it does not involve so much work unlike any of the other plants. It can even grow at almost any type of soil such as clay or light sandy soils. The use of organic compost mixed on the soil is just an extra added benefits.

Maintenance of your Guava Tree

Watering your plant can be done at least once a week. It is an amazing fact that a guava tree have a strong resistant against drought but the adverse effect is that it will not bear fruits abundantly. Thus, if you want your guava tree to bear abundant amount of fruits then water it generously.

Guava Tree Flower

Places wherein they can have temperatures below 29 degrees Fahrenheit can seriously damage guava trees. At some point, guava trees won't be able to survive in such places.

Pruning the main shoot of your guava tree is another task that needs to be considered for maintenance. Depending on your preferred height of your guava tree to grow, you have to prune the main shoot at that level. It is also important to get rid of any emerging suckers from the ground or at the low portion of the trunk. This is to encourage strong growth for the main guava tree.

When your guava tree finally bears huge and heavy fruits, there is a tendency that the branches will sag. This can be fixed by supporting the branches with canes or wires. Major pruning must be done after the fruiting is over to maintain the shape and height of your guava tree.

Guava trees can be easily infested by fungal disease which can be observe when most of the leaves have brown spots on them. This can be treated by using an anti-fungal spray which contains copper. As for the fruits, they are most likely targeted by maggots which are contributed by flies. This can be avoided by covering each of the fruits with paper bags before they even begin to ripe.

Natural Cure for Dengue Fever and Diabetes

Today, many people are addicted into foods that contains high sugar contents. Almost every type of processed food now a days have an added sugar content on them. This is the main reason why the majority of individuals around the world are suffering from diabetic disorder.

Dengue fever has nothing to do with sugar contents on the food or about diabetes. This is a common and deadly type of illness in most third world countries. It can be acquired from a mosquito bite that are quite rare in terms of species. However, their numbers were known to be increasing since the numbers of victims from the hospitals are growing.

Both dengue fever and diabetes can lead into death when not treated immediately. Many poor people are the once who ends up into such unfortunate situation due to the lack of not having enough money to buy the needed medicine. But don't you know that there is a natural and inexpensive remedy?

Mosquito Bite

Guava Fruit for Treating Dengue Fever and Diabetes

Scientist had conducted a study to prove the potency of the guava fruit to those people who are suffering from dengue fever. Since most of the patients had lost their eating appetite, the guava fruits were turned into juice. For more information on how you can make your own home-made guava juice, refer on the post entitled "Home Made Guava Juice".

In preparing the guava juice for the patients, they removed the seeds and chopped the flesh into pieces. Put them into the blender and poured some water with some added ingredient for a better taste. The guava juice has been served three times a day for all the patients. After a few weeks of guava juice treatment, all of the patients had amazingly recovered from dengue fever.

How about Diabetes?

Diabetes is classified into two different categories which are considered as 'Type 1' and 'Type 2'. For those patients who are suffering from Type 2 Diabetes, it has been found out that the guava juice is highly effective for controlling blood sugars. Experiments results claim that the nutritious contents of the guava fruit can tone down the blood glucose levels of the body. This is due to the capability of the fruit contents to increase insulin concentration.

Patients who are suffering from Type 1 Diabetes are advised to consult their doctors if they are allowed to eat guava fruits. If permitted, it is best to peel-off the skin of the fruit as scientist found out that it can increase blood sugar level by 95%.

Preparing guava juice for diabetic patient is very similar to the procedure mentioned above. You have to peel the skin of the fruit and scrape the seeds out. The remaining flesh of the fruits are to be place in a blender along with some fresh guava leaves and water. Take note that drinking or eating guavas is not meant to be a replacement for your diabetic tablets. It simply serves as a congruence with your diabetic medicines and should not be considered as an alternative.

Health Benefits of Drinking Guava Juice Daily

Are you one of those individuals who were advised by their doctors to take vitamin C tablets on their daily life? Some of you don't like swallowing their tablets perhaps due to the reason that you do not simply like the taste. As an alternative remedy, you can take-in Vitamin C the natural way via eating nutritious fruits like guavas.

Previous post entitled "Home Made Guava Juice" had already discussed a very detailed method on how you can make your own guava juice at home. The procedure is very simple where all you have to do is to buy ripe guava fruits at the market then turn them into juice with your blender machine.

Why choose guava fruit as the best type of fruit for Vitamin C supplements needed by your body?

When it comes to Vitamin C, guava has the highest content among all other fruits which is even higher as compared to those found in citrus fruits. Apart from Vitamin C, the guava fruit is also rich in anti-oxidants which prevents the risk of cancer. To learn more about how it prevents cancer, read the post entitled "Guava Fruits for Cancer Prevention".

Why Guava Juice is Good for You

There are various methods on how you can enjoy eating a raw guava fruit which has been covered by this blog. However, there are some individuals who simply do not like the idea of biting the fresh fruit into their mouth. The remedy is to make it into juice in which you can drink it instead.

Drink Guava Juice

Most parents do have the trouble of feeding their children with fruits. By serving them guava fruit in the form of juice, you will find that they tend to enjoy drinking the fruit. Another trick is to mix another different type of fruit such as an apple or banana to have a better a taste. Some claims that adding milk will greatly please the taste for children.

Here are the following health benefits of drinking guava fruit:

- Drinking guava juice regularly will enhance your resistance against harmful bacteria inside your body. This includes harmful toxins and wound infections as the healthy components of the guava fruit has the capability to shrink and contract opened tissues at any part of your body.

- A guava juice is a good natural remedy for people who are suffering from diarrhea and constipation. Since a strong component of a guava fruit can shrink and contract any opened tissues which include the internal part of your body, it stabilizes the canals of your hyperactive intestine which cures diarrhea. As for constipation, guava is also rich in fiber that helps in excreting impacted type of feces. It has been best recommended by the experts that drinking guava juice before breakfast provides better results.

- People who wishes to lose their weight might consider drinking guava juice on their daily diet. The scientific explanation is that, the dietary fiber of guava greatly helps in flushing away those toxins and unwanted fats that are needed by your body. Guavas unlike any other food are actually low in calories which aids in the production of energy for the cells. Take note that adding regular exercise on your weight lose diet will provide a better and faster result.

- Scientist had finally uncovered another interesting fact about the nutritious contents of the guava fruit. After making several tests and experiments they had found out that a guava juice can control blood sugars for those individuals who are suffering from Type 2 Diabetes. The guava fruit has the capability to tone down blood glucose levels by increasing its insulin concentration.

Feeding Birds and Parrots

One of you guys (loyal readers of this blog) had sent a message asking for an interesting question. Is it actually safe to feed a guava fruit along with the seeds to an African Grey Parrot? To tell you the direct answer into this question, it is 'Yes'. There is nothing to worry about feeding an entire guava fruit to your fully grown African Grey Parrot.

In fact, almost every birds has the appetite to eat guava fruit due to its very delicious sweet taste. It is also for sure that they are aware about the nutritious contents contained by the fruit which is the reason why they like it.

Actually, another reason why guava tree owners needs to protect the fruits by covering them with bags is not only due to the flies that infest them with maggots. Small birds that are freely roaming above the sky can easily spot ripe guava fruits. Almost every birds including chickens posses the same amazing capability.

A human's internal organs have a huge difference when it comes to comparison with the animals. If eating too much guava seeds can lead into a disorder known as 'Appendix', animals don't. They have a more specialized internal organs that allows them to get rid anything that they have ingested inside their stomach. Thus, high consumption of guava seeds isn't a threat into your bird or African Grey Parrot pet.


Carinos Guava Plantation in the Philippines are an attraction to all the birds around the area. This includes chickens and other animals that walks on the ground. Since the care-takers ensure that most of the fruits are to be protected, they are well covered with plastic bags. However, there are still plenty of guava fruits that gets rotten and simply thrown somewhere on the ground by the harvesters.

Rotten guava fruits from the plantation are now being eaten by animals particularly by birds and chickens. According to the workers, there are no reports regarding about an issue where one of the birds or chickens died due to the consumption of the rotten guava fruits. It was actually the opposite case wherein the birds and chickens grow more and more in numbers.


Parrots and all other birds are naturally born as fruit-eaters. They eat almost every delicious type of fruits such as banana, apple, berries, coconuts, mangoes, lemons, papaya and etc... Anything that are toxic to us can also be toxic to them. Thus, there is no reason why you have to be worried in feeding your bird or African Grey Parrot pet with various types of fruit.

The only exemption that a guava seed can threaten the life of your pet is when it is still very young. Small young birds as pets might have trouble swallowing the seeds that they might end up being choked to death. To ensure the safety of your young pet, it is best to get rid the seeds and simply feed the flesh of the guava fruit. This applies to all other types of fruits that you wish to feed on your little baby bird pet.

Is It Really Bad to Chew or Swallow the Guava Seeds

Somebody claimed that his parent advised him not to eat guava fruit if he wishes to preserve his teeth. Though, he loves to eat guava fruits but he suddenly became curious and worried enough when he was told that the seeds of the guava fruit could get stuck into his kidney and this could result into a disorder known as 'Appendix'. Is this really possible? Well, let's find out.

The first statement was wrong. Eating a guava fruit particularly unripe guava fruit does not cause damages into your teeth but ultimate clean them up. The fruit actually provide some phosphorus and mineral nutrients that strengthen your bones and this includes your teeth. If your purpose for eating guava fruit is to maintain the cleanliness of your teeth then its best suggested to chew on the fresh leaves of the guava tree.

It has already been proven through a thousand years that guava leaves are very effective in cleaning and whitening your teeth. Thus, instead of paying for an expensive equipment then you might just want to considering chewing guava leaves. Take note that you have to choose the leaves to chew which are young and fresh. You can easily find them at the shoot of the tree.

sliced guava

Are Guava Seeds Dangerous when Consumed?

Seeds contained inside the guava fruit are completely harmless and edible. It actually adds additional fiber on top of the fiber that is already found on the flesh of the fruit. The seeds also contains a high dose of pectin which is a type of soluble fiber that can reduce your appetite. This is the reason why eating guava fruits for weight loss diet is highly effective.

The risk of heart diseases will also be reduced because the contents of the guava seeds helps in lowering LDL Cholesterol. For those who are suffering from diabetes, the seed contents helps in regulating your blood sugar. Other health benefits of the consumption of the guava seeds are colorectal cancer prevention, helps manage diarrhea, alleviates constipation, prevent diverticulitis and aids people suffering from hemorrhoids.

Moreover, it is not possible for guava seeds to get stuck in the kidneys because the kidney is not connected to stomach or any part of the digestive system. However, there is a possibility that the seeds can get stuck in the Appendix. To be more specific, it is known as "diverticulitis". This is a condition where the guava seeds can cause inflammation of the diverticulum in the intestines.

If you know other dangers about consumption of the guava seeds then please suggest them on the Comment Form below.

Overall, if you enjoy eating plenty of guava fruits but you do not want to consume the seeds then, you can simply clean the seeds out from the fruit. You can do this by using a spoon to scrape the seeds out.

Peeling the Skin of a Guava Fruit

Some fruits like Rabutan, Orange and Longan must be peeled because their skins are not edible. The skin of the guava fruit is actually edible that it even contains higher amount of nutrients as compared to the internal flesh of the fruit. Thus, it is best advised not to peel the skin of a guava fruit unless you have some medical excuse or you simply don't like the taste.

In some cases, people who are suffering from diabetes are advised to peel the skin of the guava fruit before eating. This was due to the recent study that has been conducted wherein the scientist had proven that the skin of the guava fruit can increase blood sugar level for up to 97%. By peeling the skin and eating the internal flesh of the fruit, it can increase your blood sugar level by 27%.

How to Peel the Skin of a Guava Fruit?

There are many possible ways on how to peel-off the skin of a guava fruit. The most common method is to use a knife. Take note that a knife is a very dangerous tool and you are not advised to use it if you are not skilled enough to handle such tool. If this is the case then please ask an assistance to somebody who knows how to properly handle a knife.

With the use of a knife, you can start peeling-off the skin of your guava fruit at any side that you prefer. The most important part is to maintain peeling the skin of your guava fruit at 1 to 2 mm thickness. Beyond this measurement, you are losing plenty of health benefits that are to be provided by the fruit.

At first, you might not be able to peel the skin of the guava fruit that you are about to eat. Through practice and repeated attempts, you will soon be able to acquire the skill on peeling the skin of a guava fruit which can also be applied to any other fruits.

If you are too young that your parents won't allow you to handle a knife, you can use your teeth for peeling-off the skin of your guava fruit. But before you do, you have to make sure that the fruit that you are about to eat is thoroughly clean. This method will even clean your teeth from any dental plaques.

Knife and Peeler

Today, there are various kitchen tools that are now available on the market. Some of them are genuinely designed that makes peeling a certain fruit so easy. You don't even have to worry about accidentally cutting your self. For those who enjoy making juice out from various types of fruits, a multi-purpose blender machine can automatically do the peeling task for you. All you just have to do is to slice the fruits, put them into your blender then start the mixing process.

The guava fruit should always be eaten as a whole and it must never be peeled or you will be losing a lot of its health benefits. Although, some nearly over-ripe guava fruits will have some parts on them that starts to get rotten. This does not mean that the fruit is no longer edible. You can simply clean the rotten portion by cutting it off with your knife. This is the only possible exemption beside from those people who are suffering from diabetic disorder.

Strawberry Smoothie Rich in Vitamin C

Here comes a guava recipe on how to make your own home-made Guava Smoothie with Strawberry flavor. If you have been reading most of the previous post on this blog then it has already been repeatedly emphasized that guavas are rich in Vitamin C. For the complete health benefits of a guava fruit, please refer on the post entitled 'Guava Fruits for Cancer Prevention'.

To start making your own Guava and Strawberry Smoothie, you will need to prepare the following ingredients:

1 Cup Peeled, Seeded and Chopped Guava fruits

6 Medium-size strawberries which are hulled and halved

1/4 Cup of plain yogurt

1/4 Cup of orange juice

1 to 2 Tablespoon agave nectar

2 Crosswise slices of guava


There are different variety of guava fruit that are available on the market. Thus, choose the type of guava that suits your taste. Most people actually claims that the Pineapple Guava (Feijoa) is best for this mixture of ingredient. Make sure that you are going to buy ripe guavas. To learn how to differentiate ripe from unripe, read the post entitled "How to Know When a Guava is Ripe?".

Its actually your own choice if you want to peel the skin of the guavas or not. But before you do, make sure that you wash them thoroughly on a clean and cool running water. After washing, you can easily scrape the seeds by using a spoon. The rest of the fruit must be chopped into small pieces filling 1 cup.

You will be needing 6 medium-sized strawberries. Hulled it then slice the fruit into half. The rest of the ingredients that you need to prepare has already been mentioned above.

Using your blender machine, mix and whirl all of the ingredients until the mixtures becomes smooth. Due to experience, it has been observed that 1 minute period of running your blender machine is good enough to finish your smoothie. If you think that it needs more whirling, then run your blender for an additional time of 30 seconds.

Finally, prepare 2 glasses then pour the finish product. Garnish each with a slice of guava and its good to go. Congratulations, you have just made your own Guava and Strawberry Smoothie which is completely rich in Vitamin C.

Chocolate Raspberry Smoothie

Don't you know that you can drink Guava and Strawberry Smoothie for weight loss diet?

Guava has a very high content of vitamins, proteins and minerals and it has no cholesterol with a very low amount of digestive carbohydrates. It has also been observed that it can easily satisfy appetite very easily. Drinking a glass of guava smoothie to your launch will surely make you not hungry until the evening.

A guava fruit can also help thin people gain weight. This can be achieved by eating or drinking guava regularly similar to a weight loss diet. Scientific explanation claims that the fruit has a rich nutrient content that triggers the metabolism of a human body to regulate and promote proper absorption of nutrients that has been consumed.

How to Make Rose Sangria Drink with Guava and Pineapple

For some people, it might be their first-time to encounter the world 'Sangria'. So what is Sangria? It is actually a type of drink that are normally consists of wine along with some chopped fruit as an added ingredients. Apart from the fruits, sweeteners can also be added on the drink such as honey, sugar, syrup, orange or guava juice.

The word Sangria was actually derived from the Latin word 'Sanguis' which means 'Blood'. This is due to the reason that most sangria drinks offered in various places are dark-red in color.

Now, here is a simple popular Sangria ingredient which features the taste of Guava and Pineapple:

1,750 ml Bottle of Rose Wine

4 to 6 ounce cans of Pineapple Juice

2 11 1/2 ounce cans of Guava Nectar

4 Cinnamon Sticks

2 cups 3/4 cubes of fresh Pineapple

2 Oranges that are halved through the stem end. It also has to be thinly sliced crosswise

A few Ice Cubes


You will be needing a large pitcher for containing all ingredients. Most common mistakes by some individuals is that they use small-sized containers wherein they end up being unable to use all the ingredients that has been prepared. Glass type of pitchers are also much preferred than plastics.

Slicing the oranges can be the real challenge here because it involves skill in handling kitchen knife. Common accidents that has been encountered by most individuals are cutting their fingers. Thus, you have to do it carefully. Simply slice around 12 pieces of oranges for garnishing while the rest are to be added on the pitcher.

Combine all the ingredients into your pitcher them mix them well. You can use a Kitchen Hand-Mixer tool for easy mixing process. With the exact amount of ingredients used based on this recipe, a total of 1 to 2 minutes of mixing is already good enough. If you used more quantity of ingredients then you may have to mix your ingredients a bit longer.

It is not good to drink your sangria right after mixing wherein you have to cover it and wait for at least 6 hours or overnight. You have to know that the longer period that you are to offer, the better taste will it get. This is actually the reason why sangria drinks are best prepared ahead of time before taken out for the occasion.

After 6 hours or overnight, your Rose Sangria with Guava and Pineapple drink is now ready to be served. Simply fill the glasses with ice and you may add rum if you like. Pour your sangria over the top then mix. Don't forget the garnish that you made which are the slices of oranges. The recipe is good for serving 12 glasses of drinks.


The guava nectar from the ingredients can be substituted with your own home made guava juice.

Home Made Guava Juice

The guava fruit is just like any other fruits around which can be made into juice. We are going to discuss on this post about how to make your own guava juice at home. All you need to do is to gather all the required supplies from the market and you are good to go.

Buying Guava Fruits from the Market

It is important for you to know how to determine ripe and unripe guava fruits when buying from the market or grocery store. This applies the same when you are picking the fruits from the guava tree. The most common method of identifying ripe guava fruit is the color must be yellow and the skin must be soft. Please read the previous post entitled 'How to Know When a Guava is Ripe?' to learn more additional details about identifying when the fruit is already ripe for the picking.

Cleaning your Guava Fruit

The best method of cleaning your guava fruit is to wash each of them on a cool and clean running water. Take one fruit at a time then rub it with your hands to ensure that every possible dirt on the skin of the fruit will be cleaned. Do not use soap for cleaning your guava fruits as some chemical contents of the soap are hard to get rid-off. Worse is that, it can be dangerous to your health when consumed. Thus, never use soap for cleaning your guava fruit.

Peel the Skin if you have Diabetes

According to the recent studies that has been conducted by the experts, the skin of the guava fruit contains high sugar content. They had estimated that eating the skin could increase your blood sugar level for up to 95%. This is the reason why you have to peel-off the skin if you are suffering from a diabetic disorder. If you are not then its best suggested that you are to use the entire fruit in making your home-made guava juice. You have to know that there are higher contents of essential nutrients found on the skin of the fruit.

Slicing it into Pieces

You can cut your guava fruits into halves, quarters or at any sizes to fit them into your blender machine.

Adding Some Additional Ingredients

Add a couple of spoon sugar if you want your juice to have a sweeter taste. For those who love lemon, you can simply squeeze half of a lemon fruit. Doing this will combine the taste of both the guava and lemon fruit. Others find it more tastier by adding milk.

Guava Lemon Juice

If you find that the taste of your guava juice to be quite great then you can control it by adding water.

Is It Better to Buy Ready Made Guava Juice?

There are plenty of juices available on the market containing different flavors and this includes the guava fruit. The question is, are they better than the home-made type of juices? 'No' will be the answer unless you really do not care but simply to satisfy your thirst.

Most drinking products that are available on the market contains high contents of sugar. This could be bad for you if you have diabetes. Apart from the high level of sugar content found on these products, there might be other secret ingredients added that are not good for your health.

Home-made juice are the best way to go especially if you are seeking for health benefits.

Rubicon Exotics Drinks

Rubicon is one of the top leading company in the world that offers various types of exotic drinks which includes Guava Juice. The company has been specializing on these kinds of drinks for over 30 years which makes them the top and most recommended type of brand for natural drinks.

Are there any difference between home-made guava juice from these commercial drinks?

Before we are going to discuss the difference, guava fruit is known to be the 'King of All Fruits' due to its rich nutritious contents as compared to all other types of fruits. These nutrients found on guavas have plenty of health benefits which can prevent cancer, cure intestinal problems, reduce weight and etc...

Rubicon claims the same health benefits when it comes to drinking their products. Their website actually features every ingredients that they used which includes the exact amount of content that has been added. Their guava juice products also comes in different sizes with different mixture of ingredients.

You can do the same with your home-made guava juice. Use other fruits or even vegetables to come up with your own preferred type of taste. For more information about making your own guava juice, read the post entitled 'Home Made Guava Juice'.

Now to tell you the difference, its 'Preservatives'. All commercial products uses preservatives to prolong the shelf life of the food from being broken down by microorganism. Comparing home-made guava juice from the Rubicon guava juice, the home-made type will become terribly bad in just a few days unlike Rubicon that will still taste good as fresh.

According to some researchers, they believe that preservative contents on food that you regularly eat can greatly affect your eating habit and food production patterns. So are they safe or not?

Some preservatives are known to be safe while there are also some that are questionable. Below are the list of common safe-preservatives:

Ascorbic Acid

Ascorbic Acid is actually a form of Vitamin C which is similar to those founds in fruits and vegetables. Guava actually has the highest content of Vitamin C among all other fruits in the world. In fact, FDA has even approved the use of Ascorbic Acid as the best type of preservative to any type of food being sold on the market.


The saying that goes "Too much is not good" applies on this type of preservative. Taurine is actually a type of substance that aids your body in maintaining water and electrolyte balance in your blood. A consumption of 3,000 milligrams of Taurine per day is considered safe. However, some foods particularly energy drinks could contain up to 4,000 milligrams which can have an adverse effect on your body.


This is a preservative that is more commonly used on meat, poultry products, cheese and salad dressings. So far it is considered by the experts as perfectly safe for consumption.

Bad types of preservatives are often used by some companies on their products. People who are not aware of what they are eating or drinking with such preservative contents will most likely suffer an adverse effect.


An artificial sweetener that can greatly increase the taste of the food for up to 220 times than the natural sugar. Diabetic individuals should watch out for this type of ingredient as it can lead into a very serious condition.


Most foods and drinks changes in color at some period time wherein the use of Sulfites can prevent such discoloration. Unfortunately, scientist had found out that this type of preservative has been linked to asthma and allergies.

Sodium Benzoate

A type of preservative used to stop fermentation which are commonly found in sodas and fruit juices. According to researchers, a mixture of sodium benzoate and vitamin C will create benzene which is also known as 'Carcinogen'. Drinking too much of this content is bad for your health.


Used for preserving meats which is responsible for giving red color on foods like hotdogs. The American Cancer Society had already issued a warning that too much consumption of foods with nitrite contents can lead into cancer.


Preservative for fats and oils in food and cosmetics. FDA has labeled BHA/BHT as a safe type of preservatives but according to the research conducted by the NTP (National Toxicology Program) concluded that its unsafe. Their researched reveal that the BHA has the potential to be a carcinogen while the BHT has been linked to cause an increase risk of cancer.

Buying Energy Drinks

Now, does buying products at the grocery store and checking every ingredients on them will make it sure and safe for the consumer? To throw you back a question as an answer, 'Will the company disclose the unsafe preservatives on their products?'.

Spiced Pineapple Feijoa Chutney

In the previous post, we have been discussing recipes about drinks which involve guava as an ingredient. Thus, today we are going to have the Spiced Pineapple Feijoa Chutney. Some of you here might be asking themselves the meaning of the last two words 'Feijoa' and 'Chutney'. Searching Feijoa on the web might provide you a different meaning which refers to an evergreen shrub or small tree that bears an edible green fruit. Actually, Feijoa is also another term of 'Pineapple Guava'.

Chutney is basically a kind of savory jam. Many says that its a jam but it isn't because there are several differences between them. A jam is often commonly preserved by the use of sugar and it taste very sweet. Chutney is preserved by using vinegar and sugar having an opposite taste of a jam.

Spice Ingredient

A jam is mainly composed of an ingredients which are made from fruits while chutney can be made from fruit and vegetables. Chutney can actually be a mixture of more than one ingredient such as adding apples and onions. Lastly, the flavor of a jam goes alone with the type of the fruit that has been used. Chutneys are often flavored with spices, chili peppers, onions and garlic.

Ingredients for our Spiced Pineapple Guava (Feijoa) Chutney

This type of chutney are meant to be sweet, tangy and filled with aromatic spices along with the most nutritious pineapple guava fruit as an added ingredients. It is best served over grilled chicken, pork and barbecues. Here are the following ingredients:

3 Cups trimmed and chopped pineapple guavas

1/3 Cup pitted and slivered medjool dates

1/2 Cup golden raisins

1 Cup chopped yellow onion

1/2 Cup packed light brown sugar

1/2 Cup distilled white vinegar

1/4 Teaspoon ground ginger

1/4 Teaspoon ground cloves

1/4 Teaspoon cayenne

1/2 Teaspoon yellow curry powder

1 Tablespoon kosher salt


You will be needing a saucepan with enough size to contain all of the ingredients mentioned above. This is because you are going to mix all of the ingredients with an added 1/2 cup of water. Mix it well to ensure that all those powdered ingredients are well mixed with one another.

After the tedious mixing procedure, its now time to cook it as the final step. Put all the mixture into your cooking pan and it is very important that you are to apply a medium amount of heat. You have to observe until the mixture starts to boil then simmer. At exactly an hour, you should notice that the mixture will become thick and caramelized. If this is the case then it only means that your Spice Pineapple Guava (Feijoa) Chutney is ready to be served.

Chutney can be served whether its warm or chilled and it can be stored in your refrigerator for up to one week for later consumption.

Soy Sauce as an Alternative to Salt and Vinegar

The previous post was all about a method of eating the guava fruit with the added ingredients which are the Salt and Vinegar. At some point, there are individuals who prefers to use Soy Sauce rather than the Salt and Vinegar. Before we discuss the preparation, let's get to learn more about the Soy Sauce.

What is a Soy Sauce?

Soy sauce in some part of the world is also known as 'Tamari'. It is actually made from a miso which is a fermented paste of soy beans. The contents of soy sauce is rich in sodium with a flavor that provides ample seasoning by simply adding a small amount. Apart from the sodium content, soy sauce is also rich in vitamins and minerals which makes it as the healthy seasoning choice with many benefits.

Soy Sauce

For those who are suffering from disorders wherein you are advised by your doctor to limit your salt intake, you can try to use the low sodium variety of soy sauce. Here are the following health benefits of the soy sauce:

Maintains a Healthy Heart

Soy sauce contains 'Niacin' which is a type of nutrients that aids your heart by lowering the levels of fats in your blood stream. At the same time, it also raises the levels of the healthy cholesterol. This has already been proven through a scientific study that has been conducted by the MB Elam. The result has been publish in September 13, 2000 which can be read on 'The Journal of the American Medical Association'.

Antioxidants Properties

Just like the guava fruit, soy sauce also have antioxidant properties which can reduce the risk of cancer.

Helps Stabilize Moods

The soy sauce contains an essential type of amino acid known as the 'Tryptophan'. Again based from the scientific studies, your body often used tryptohan to produce serotonin and niacin. The production of serotonin is what promotes a healthy sleep and stable moods. Further research has even found out that irritability and negative moods of women who are suffering from their premenstrual dysphoric disorder are greatly reduced.

Preparing the Guava Fruit with Soy Sauce

Finally, here's the part on how you are going to prepare the guava fruit. If you have already read the previous method then the same procedure is applied. The only difference is that you don't have to add salt as the soy sauce already have an added salt content.

Choosing a Ripe Guava

When buying a fruit into the market, it is important for you to know on how to check whether the fruit is ripe or not. This can be done by sticking your fingernail into the guava fruit. If its soft that your fingernails easily penetrates through the skin then it means that the guava is ripe. However, if there is a slight resistance then leave the guava alone as it is not yet ripe.

Washing the Fruit

To wash the guava fruit, simply place them into a bowl then fill it with cool and clean running water. At the same time, you can rub the fruit with your hands to clean each of the fruits.

Peel and Slice the Fruit

You may either choose to peel the skin or not. Its best suggested not to peel the skin as the rich nutrients contents are found on the skin of the fruit. The next step is to slice the guava into half or quarters. You can even slice it into smaller chunks if you like.

The Soy Sauce

Place the sliced pieces of the guava fruit into a bowl. Finally, add a soy sauce into the bowl then mix it up. Congratulations, you can now enjoy eating your guava fruit.

How to Know When a Guava is Ripe?

Either you are picking the guava fruit from a guava tree or you are simply picking it up from a grocery store, it is important for you to know how to determine whether the fruit is ripe or not. There are actually several indications that can be observed from the fruit telling you when it is already ripe.

The Color

Common type of guava fruits can be easily identified if it is already ripe for the picking due to color. Ripened fruit usually have light yellow color. However, there are some different species of guavas wherein the fruit remains bright green but are already ripe. If this is the case then you can do the second method below.

Stick your Fingernails

With your fingernails, stick it right into the skin of the fruit. If it easily penetrate through the skin then the guava is ripe. Its still unripe when there is a little resistance.

Smelling the Fruit

The aroma of the guava fruit changes as it becomes ripen. As the fruit gets more ripened, the stronger the tasty sweet smell will become. Fruit Growers even describe it as 'penetrating' which means that you can smell it without putting the fruit close enough into your nose.

What to do with Unripe Guavas?

If you have accidentally picked guavas that are not yet ripe then you need to keep it at room temperature as it will soon get ripen in just a few days. According to some sources, unripe guavas will ripe faster when you are to keep them on a paper bag along with other fruits such as a banana, apple or avocado. Washing the fruit with cool trap of water also helps in speeding up the process of ripening.

Already ripe guava fruit must always be stored in the refrigerator and it will be good for two days period. Refrigerating the fruit doesn't stop the ripening process of the fruit but to delay. If it happens that you have plenty of guava fruits that you wish to store for a longer period of time then you can use edible wax to further delay the repining process of the fruit.

Buying Ripe or Unripe Guava Fruit

Some says that it is best to buy guavas that are green and nearly ripe. Take it home then simply place them inside a paper bag along with some other fruits. In one or two days, check your guava fruits and it is for sure that some or most are already fully ripe.

Buying guavas that are already ripe is only advisable when you intend to eat all of them with a duration period of one to two days. Beyond this time, some guavas that are left might turn bad and no longer edible.

Fresh Ripe Guava

Moreover, there are some people who prefers to eat guavas that are nearly ripe. The color of the fruit is light green and it requires tough teeth to chew on the fruit. One of the reason why some people choose to eat nearly ripe guava fruit is that it thoroughly cleans their teeth out of dental plaques.

Eat Guava Fruit with Salt and Vinegar

The very first method of eating Guava that has been previously discussed on this blog is the common way of eating the fruit. You will simply either peel the skin or directly eat the guava fruit upon washing it on a clean running water. On this post, you will get to learn a better and more enjoyable method of eating the fruit with two added ingredients.

Lets have a short discussion on all the components that you are about to eat particularly on the health benefits. First time visitors are suggested to visit and read the post entitled 'Guava Fruits for Cancer Prevention'. Every possible health benefits of the guava fruit has been discussed on that post.

Salt and Vinegar

Salts is a common ingredient that is used in almost every cooked type of food. By consuming the right amount of salt into your body, it will keep you healthy. Don't you know that most of your body contains water? Actually salt water which is very similar to the composition of water found in the ocean. This is the reason why people who got ill are often given saline or salt water solution directly into their bloodstream.

Retain Hydration

Anyone who suffers from dehydration such as due to diarrhea can be treated with salt in-take. Most doctors recommends Gatorade or any similar electrolyte drinks which contains high salt contents.

Regulates Blood Sugar

Diabetic individuals are important not to have a low salt intake. Its because salt helps reduce the body's need of insulin which aids it in maintaining proper sugar levels.

Health Thyroid

Thyroid disease such as goiter can be prevented by regular salt intake because of the salt's iodine contents.

How about the Vinegar?

Vinegar just like salt is another common cooking ingredient. There has been numerous studies and researches that has already been conducted about the health benefits of the vinegar but there's still no official result or conclusion from the experts. However, many individuals believes that it can cure and prevent various forms of diseases and below are some of them:

- Vinegar can help lower glucose levels for those who are suffering diabetic disorders.

- Lowers high cholesterol.

- Maintain proper blood pressure for a healthy heart.

- Prevents various forms of cancers.

- Old method that has been used for a thousand years for weight loss.

Preparing the Guava Fruit

Wash the guava fruits that you are about to eat on a clean running water. Simply rub your hands against the skin of the fruit to get rid of any possible dirt. Once cleaned, place them all on a clean bowl.

Peel the Skin

If you enjoy eating the skin then you may skip this step. For those people who are suffering from diabetes, it is advised that you are to peel off the skin.

Slice the Fruit

Most guava eaters slices the fruit into four pieces.

Salt and Vinegar

On a small saucer plate, put 3 spoon filled with vinegar then sprinkle some salt. Mix the salt and vinegar with your spoon until you can no longer see or felt the grain of salt.

Ready to Eat

You can either use a fork or simply pick up the sliced piece of guava fruit with your clean fingers that you are about to eat. Dip it into the salted vinegar each time you are to swallow a piece of the fruit. Some may find the fruit to be even tastier when they offer it on the salted vinegar for a few minutes before eating.

The King of All Fruits

Asking people around the web for their own personal opinion as to which fruit is considered as the king of all fruits ended up into different answers and opinions. The majority of these people had chosen the type of fruit which are very common in their region or country. People in the US voted for the Apple, India for Mango, Brazil for Avocado, Indonesia for Durian and so on...

Other people had voted for fruits due to their taste. The list of these fruits are Bananas, Strawberries, Pineapples and fruits that can be mixed on their blender machine.

Determining the king of all fruits should involve several factors. It should not only be based due to the taste or it is one of the major product of your country. The title should go into the type of fruit that provides a lot of health benefits. Thus, a team of curious researcher had invested their time searching for the type of fruit that deserves the title.

Almost every fruit around the world are tasty that so many people love and enjoy to eat. This goes the same in all the nutrients that they provide for health benefits. The majority of the fruits including vegetables are rich in Carotenoids and Vitamin C which lowers the risk of cancers. Other common nutrients found on fruits are Folate, Potassium and Fiber.

The group of researchers had finally decided to determine the king of all fruits based on the amount of nutrients contents that the fruit contains. It took them time tabulating plenty of numbers comparing results from one fruit to another.

Finally, the group of researchers ends up into one type of fruit as the supreme. This is the Guava fruit wherein it has beaten all other types of fruits around the world in terms of its nutritious contents.

Previous post on this blog had already discussed how a guava fruit can prevent various forms of cancerous diseases. You can read the discussion on this post to learn more about the nutrients and on how cancers are prevented by simply eating guava fruits on your daily diet. To tell you more, the leaves of the guava tree are also being used as a traditional herb for curing various forms of infections.

King of All Fruits

Many of you have your own favorite type of fruit which you enjoy the most way more than the guava fruit. Some of you may even completely disagree that the guava fruit doesn't deserve to be the king of all fruits. Thus, the comment form is always open and provided below to tell your own opinion.

Do you agree that the guava fruit is the king of all fruits? If not then what fruit deserves the title as the 'king of all fruits' and please state your reason why.

Does Eating Guava Fruit Good for Diabetes?

The Guava fruit is considered as a 'Super Fruit' because of its medicinal properties that help prevents various forms of diseases. In China, people of this country has been eating guava fruits as they claim that it is one way of treating diabetic disorder. But recently, scientific studies had found out that the skin of a guava fruit can increase your blood sugar level by 91%.

If you enjoy eating the fruit but you have a controlled diabetic disorder then you can peel off the skin. By peeling off the skin, the fruit will increase your blood sugar level by 27%. It is advised that you have to eat guava fruit that are not too ripe.

What is a Diabetic Disorder?

Most people will simply define diabetes as a type of disorder where your body particularly your blood contains enough sugar contents that are needed by your body. To explain it more in details, diabetes is classified as a metabolism disorder. Metabolism is a process on how the internal parts of your body processes the food you eat into energy and growth.

The food you eat goes through a process of digestion wherein all the nutrients are extracted in the form of 'Glucose'. This is a form of sugar in your blood which acts as the fuel of your body.

Upon digestion of the food, the glucose will automatically go into your bloodstream. The cells will then use it for energy and growth. At some point, a problem might occur wherein the glucose cannot enter through the cells because of the lack of insulin.

After eating, it is normal for your pancreas to release an adequate amount of insulin for the purpose of allowing the glucose to move into the bloodstream way through the cells. As a result, this will cause the cells blood-glucose levels to drop.

A diabetic person suffering from 'Hyperglycemia' which is a condition wherein the quantity of the glucose in the blood is too high is due to the lack of insulin. There is not enough supply of insulin generated by the body which should process the glucose into the cells. Thus, too much glucose builds up in the blood which leads into a diabetic disorder.

Is Eating Guava Still Advisable for Diabetic Person?

Guava fruit is actually one of the best recommended type of food for those diabetic people. For those who have high-blood sugar, it is highly advisable that you are to peel off the skin of the fruit before eating.

The fruit is too tasty and very nutritious. There is no reason why anyone would have to avoid eating it. It has high Vitamin C content containing 120 mg which is almost twice the amount found in the oranges. In comparison with the oranges, it is less acidic and it contains very high fiber. Other nutrients found on the guava fruit are Vitamin A and Potassium.

Ripe Guava Fruit

If this is your first-time to encounter the guava fruit, you can learn more about it on this post entitled 'How to Eat Raw Guava Fruit'.

Curing Wound Infection with Guava Leaves

Guava fruits was the major topic that has been previously discussed on this blog wherein regular consumption of the fruit provides plenty of health benefits. Actually, the leaves are potent type of herb as well that can cure almost any type of wound infections. It has become one of the most common old medicinal tradition of treatment for various forms of diseases used by people in most Tropical Countries.

Wounds is simply a common type of injury that can be encountered accidentally which depends on your daily life activities. Carpenters and Mechanics are the type of jobs where there is a huge risk of acquiring wounds.

The injury is categorized into two different types. If the you have been injured by accidentally cutting yourself with a sharp object then it is called an 'Open or External Wound'. The breakage of your body tissue will cause your blood to flow out from the cut. We call the second type of injury as 'Close or Internal Wound' when there is no breakage of body tissue that is involved. Internal wounds can be acquired when you accidentally hit yourself hard from a tough object. It is also more commonly referred as 'bruise'.

In tropical countries where guava tree are very common to be found around the environment, people had discovered the curing benefits of the guava leaves. Recently, a group of interested scientist in Nigeria had conducted a study to uncover the properties of the guava leaves. They had found out that it contains potent anti-bacteria which prevents infections.

Guava Leaves

Apart from wound infections, the researcher had also found out that the guava leaves are highly effective for reducing inflammation of the uterus. It works with wonders by accelerating the healing process of the wounds.

How to Apply the Guava Leaves into the Wounds?

Picking Up Fresh Guava Leaves

The first step is to collect a few guava leaves which can be around 5 to 10 pieces. Make sure that you are picking leaves that are fresh which can be easily identified with their colors. Fresh leaves are light-green in color and they are soft. Avoid picking guava leaves that are hard and dark-green in color.

Clean It With Running Water

Tropical countries often experience rain fall which makes the leaves clean. However, there are some period wherein it doesn't rain for a couple of days or weeks. If this is the case then you have to wash the guava leaves on a clean running water. This to get rid of any dirt or insects.

Boil the Guava Leaves

Depending on the size of the wound, you have to boil the leaves with enough water for washing the wound. Boil the guava leaves until it turns into brown color.

Applying into the Wound

Wait for the hot water to cool off which is just good enough to apply into the wounded area. Simply use the water for washing the wound at least 2 or 3 times a day. Wash it in the morning, mid-noon and before you go to bed.

Natural Method to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer is a type of disease common to all male individuals. It starts being develop at the gland and will slowing grow in size. Some serious cases of prostate cancer is that it tends to be aggressive. This means that the cancerous cells will metastasize or spread through the other parts of the body.

When the diseases manages to spread, it commonly targets the bones and lymph nodes. This will most likely lead into pain. Dysfunction will also be experienced wherein there is a difficulty of urinating. Erectile dysfunction may also be experienced which can be a serious problem for both couple during their sexual intercourse. More symptoms will be develop at later stages of this type deadly disease.

Speaking about 'deadly', prostate cancer is the current sixth leading cause of death in the entire world. In the UK, this male type of disease was rated as the first leading cause of death in the country while US rated it as the second on their list. In third world countries, most male individuals with prostate cancer never to bother about the symptoms. They don't undergo therapy which unfortunately lead into their unexpected cause of death.

What Are the Causes of Prostate Cancer?

Development of cancer includes many factors but the most common causes are from genetics and diet. Genetics means that when your family ancestry had a history of prostate cancer then there are chances that you will have a prostate cancer at an older age of your time. As for the diet, scientific research claims that obesity is one of the primary risk factor of this disease.

With the help of our advance medical technology today, prostate cancer can be cured and prevented. There are already various methods that are available for treatment which generally involves surgery. Minor type of prostate cancer are being treated with radiation therapy or cryosurgery. Those that already have major type of disease will have to undergo hormonal therapy and chemotherapy procedures.

An Interesting Fact

Several group of scientist had conducted studies on how to reduce the risk of prostate cancer through various simple means. There are two of these methods which can be through 'mas-tur-bation' or eating 'fruits' that are rich in phytochemical-lycopene. The first method which is mas-tur-bation has been suggested and supported by several studies to prevent the risk of prostate cancer. This will be discussed on the separate post.

Eat Guava Fruit

The second method is to eat fruits that are rich in phytochemical-lycopene contents. Guava fruit is one among the type of fruits which contains an abundant anti-oxidants lycopene nutrients that prevents prostate cancer from being develop.

Lycopene has been found out by scientists that it can neutralize oxygen driving off the so called dangerous 'free radicals' inside our body. This means that beside from prostate cancer, it also protect your body from other types of cancer diseases.

Most men that lives in the tropical region where guava fruits are commonly served on the table, survey showed that the majority of the male individuals doesn't suffer from prostate cancer. Thus, its time to add guava fruit on your daily diet especially if your family has a history of the disease.

Preventing Prostate Cancer | Fruit and Vegetable Diet

Preventing prostate cancer through diet can be done by eating fruits that are rich in phytochemical lycopene. Such fruit are tomatoes, guavas, watermelon, grapefruit, persimmons and etc... The lycopene contents of these fruits are already proven by scientific research and studies that they are highly effective form of anti-oxidants.

To explain further how common types of cancerous diseases forms inside your body, they are the causes of what they referred as 'Free Radicals'. These are forms of highly reactive molecules that can either be produced by your body naturally or from being exposed under toxic environments such as tobacco smoke and UV light. There is only one intention of free radicals inside you body which is to cause damages leading into deadly type of diseases particularly cancer.



We can say that free radical are bad type of oxygen. Thus, in order to get rid of the free radicals inside your body you will need anti-oxidants. Apart from the fruits that has mentioned above, vegetables are also rich in antioxidants. Actually, any vegetable and fruits that are rich in vitamin C, Vitamin E and beta-carotene helps prevent free radicals from causing serious damage inside your body.

Additional information on how to prevent prostate cancer is discussed on this post, "Natural Method to Prevent Prostate Cancer".

Gain or Lose your Weight with the Guava Fruit

Many people would aspire to either gain or loss their weight. Fat people are the once searching for the best method to lose their weight while thin people is the complete opposite. To tell you something interesting about the guava fruit which is in relation to this health issue. This tropical type of fruit has the contents which can either cause weight loss or weight gain.

First let's discuss something more about weight loss. We can define it as the process of reducing body fats which are commonly done via physical fitness and medicine. Weight loss can be successful if the patient has the determination to do regular training exercise. Unfortunately, most patients doesn't have such a strong determination wherein they give up right away in just a few days of their tries.

Medicine or medical surgery can provide you immediate good results but they can also be risky. There's also a huge financial cost involve that you might just want to do the regular physical exercise as mentioned above.

Now here's the third option which is in the form of dietary method. Simply add a medium-sized guava on your lunch and you are surely good to go until evening. You will ask why and how?

The question can be answered by explaining the nutritional contents of the guava fruit. It has a very high roughage or fiber and rich with multi-vitamins, proteins and minerals. Another interesting fact that you would like to know is that the guava fruit doesn't have cholesterol (food contents responsible for building up fats) and it has a low amount of digestible carbohydrates.

Fruit Diet

Comparing guava into some other fruits, it has far less sugar contents. And lastly, the reason why guava is perfect for a weight-loss diet is that the fruit has the taste that can easily satisfies an appetite.

How about weight gain?

Let's first discuss a few details about weight-gain. This is actually the process of gaining body weight which can either be in the form of increasing muscle mass or fat deposits. If your intention is simply to get fat then all you have to do is to consume plenty of foods with high-cholesterol contents. However, this isn't recommended due to the reason that you will end up with the risk of turning yourself into an obese which is very unlikely.

Your best choice will be a proper diet procedure. There are plenty of dietary methods online that you can choose to follow but you should always include on the list a guava fruit. The reason is that this tropical fruit has the wealthy nutrients which provide proper metabolism. It keeps your metabolism regulates which leads into your body's proper absorption of the nutrients.

Therefore, we conclude that including guava fruit on your regular diet will aid you in your goal of achieving weight loss or weight gain. If you want to read more about the health benefits of the guava fruit then read the next succeeding posts. For those who got more advance knowledge about this fruit which is in relation to weight loss or gain, please share your thoughts on the comment form provided below.

Cure for Diarrhea and Other Intestinal Problems

Suffering from diarrhea can be very annoying since it commonly last for two to three days. That could be a long and agonizing pain on your stomach that you might need some medical attention. Anyway, its not actually such a serious health problem because it can be treated with over-the-counter (OTC) form of medicines.

What are the common causes of a diarrhea?

There are many possible causes of a diarrhea but the most common cause is an infection on your intestinal organ. This can be acquired by eating nearly rotten food or food (dirty foods to be more specific) containing bacteria. Thus, beware on buying foods from the street as you do not know if they are clean or health-approve. You should also learn how to check your food before you intend to eat it.

Now, to tell you something about the guava fruit. This tropical type of fruit is completely rich in 'Astringents' which is a nutrient compound that adds substance to help loose bowels and reduce symptoms of diarrhea. This astringent compound will not only help you prevent diarrhea because this fruit's astringent content can also treat your gums making it tighter and fresher. Thus, it benefits your mouth upon chewing it and then it benefits your internal organs upon consumption.

Fresh Guava Fruit

Other Intestinal Problems

The closest other intestinal problem related to diarrhea is 'Dysentery' or more commonly known as the 'Bloody Flux'. This is an inflammatory intestinal disorder that results into a severe form of diarrhea. A person suffering from Dysentery will have fever and unbearable abdominal pain. You will also notice on their feces that it contains blood and mucus.

As a natural form of treatment, eating guava fruit can cure such intestinal problem. Actually, Dysentery is a result of a viral or bacterial infections but we are so glad to have the guava fruit which contains the anti-bacterial contents for this type of disease. As already mentioned above, the astringent content of the guava fruit is also a disinfectant or anti-bacterial compound perfect for curing Dysentery.

Astringents are alkaline in nature wherein it inhibits microbial growth and it removes extra mucus from the intestines. Apart from the Astringent content of the guava fruit - this tropical fruit is also rich in vitamin C, Carotenoids and Potassium. These three vitamin contents of the guava fruit can strengthen and tone the digestive system. At the same time, they are also disinfecting it simultaneously.

'Gastroenteritis' also known as 'Stomach Flu' is very similar to Dysentery. A person infected with these intestinal bacteria will also suffer an inflammation on their stomach and intestines. Just like Dysentery, Gastroenteritis is treatable by eating guava fruits.

Most intestinal problems are cured by maintaining fluid intake and following proper procedure of an Oral Rehydration Therapy. Along with the regular intake of the guava fruit, complete recovery will be expected in less period of time. If in any case that the treatment are not going so well due to the cause repeated vomiting or diarrhea then hospital admission is best advised.

Guava Fruits for Cancer Prevention

Cancer is the current leading cause of death for people under the age of 85. Regardless of the huge progress and improvement on our medical technology, treatment for cancer is yet to be discovered but prevention is now possible.

How does cancer cause serious health problem?

A cancer is composed of cells with an uncontrollable behavior of continued growth and multiplication. Other than multiplying itself, it does not die unlike a normal cell that dies upon the orderly process of growth and division. Thus, a cancer will continue to grow and divide itself without dying until it forms a huge mass of abnormal cells.

Due to the immortal number of cells that keeps on multiplying themselves, this will result into a huge lumps or masses of tissue which is referred as 'Tumors'. To tell you the worst part - a tumor will keep on continuously growing which can interfere the digestive, circulatory and nervous system of the body. As a result, it can release unnecessary hormones that can alter body functions.

There are two different dangerous form of tumors that will most likely going to occur. First is when the cancerous cells are able to travel via the blood or lymph system. This will enable the cancerous cells to destroy every healthy tissues (this process is called 'Invasion') on their path. Second is when the cell multiplies itself which leads into an abnormal growth wherein it'll create new blood vessels for the purpose of feeding itself. This process is called 'Angiogenesis'.

By the time that the tumor manages to spreads throughout the body invading and destroying most of the healthy tissues (known as the process of 'Metastasis') then this will result into a very serious condition. At some point, this condition is classified as untreatable.

How can a Guava Fruit prevent cancer?

Its no wonder why some people call guava as a 'Miracle Healing Fruit' or similar alike. The reason is that this tropical fruit has the ability to inhibit growth and metastasis of cancerous cells. Thus, preventing the cancer from forming deadly tumor throughout the body.

In some recent years, there are already numerous studies that has been conducted by professionals about the healing contents of the guava fruit. Their research claim that the guava's nutritional contents can cure 'Prostate Cancer', 'Breast Cancer' and 'Oral Cancer'. Apart from the fruit, the guava leaf can be extracted for its oil which is an extremely effective anti-proliferative substance. This is a type of substance far more superior than the leading modern medicines today for preventing growth of cell cancer.

Guava Fruit

'Lycopene' is another rich content of the guava fruit. To tell you more about lycopene it is a powerful antioxidant that prevents any form of degenerative diseases. It also helps protect DNA damages in the cells making the cells function a lot more better. Having a high level amount of lycopene in both blood and fatty tissues of your body will reduce the risk of cancer. However, our human body cannot produce lycopene which can only be obtained from various food sources such as the guava fruit.

Finally, the guava fruit has a very high content of vitamin C which are four times higher than those found on the oranges. If you don't know it yet, vitamin C's provides antioxidants for the body's immune system.

What are antioxidants?

We can explain antioxidants by defining its root word 'oxygen'. All living organisms needs oxygen for survival since it is required by our body to metabolize and use dietary nutrients. In other words oxygen is the one responsible for converting fats, proteins and carbohydrates into an energy.

But, did you know that there's also a negative side of oxygen?

Oxygen is considered as a highly active atom that has the potential to become a part of the damaging molecules known as the 'free radicals'. These free radicals can destroy other healthy cells of the body leading into various forms of diseases and disorders such as cancer.

Going back into our guava fruit, the vitamin C content provides a strong boost of antioxidants into the body's immune system. It serves as the major defense lines against free radicals which prevents cancer and heart disease.

With all those health benefits mentioned on this post, you may now want to start adding a guava fruit into your daily diet to stay healthy and free from any form of cancer disease.

How to Eat Raw Guava Fruit

There are actually various method on how to eat the guava fruit. Some may prefer to cook it while others prefer to turn it into a juice with their blender machine. Whatever method you prefer on consuming this type of fruit, guavas are still best eaten on their raw form. On this post, lets discuss how to properly eat a raw guava fruit.

Guava fruit can be bought in most tropical countries and they come in two different colors which can be in pale green or yellow color. It is suggested that you are going to buy guavas with pale green colors since the color changes into yellow as they get more ripen. A color yellow guava taste sweeter than the pale green guava but there are chances that some of its part are starting to get rotten. It is only advisable buying these yellow guavas when you intend to consume them all right after buying it from the market.

Guava in the Market

Let's now start discussing how to eat a raw guava fruit the simple way. The first step that you have to do is preparation. Make sure that you are to clean the fruit by rinsing it on a cool running water. Do not use a soap or any other form of chemical detergents.

Removing Bruised Areas

Check your guava in all of its side for any bruised areas since these parts are about to get rotten. So always make sure that you are to pick guavas that are fresh and without any sign of bruises. If it happens that the guava that you are about to eat does have some bruises then you will need to use a knife to cut out the bruised area.

Peeling the Skin

The skin of the guava are actually edible wherein it contains most of the vitamin Cs than the internal contents. This is the reason why you have to clean it thoroughly if you intend to eat whole fruit. Otherwise, you can peel off the skin with the use of a knife.

Cutting the Guava

You can cut your guava in many different ways that you may prefer. For those who doesn't want to eat the seeds, you can simply cut the fruit in half then use a teaspoon to scoop the seeds out. (Take note: the seeds can be eaten but it is not recommended for those who are suffering from hemorrhoids)

Eating the Fruit

Some simply prefers to eat the fruit in its raw form but others enjoy eating the fruit with some additional ingredients such as Sugar, Sault, Pepper, Soy Sauce, Vinegar and etc... Human taste varies from one another so you might want to test on which type of ingredients that suits your taste.


Guavas can be cooked into a guava-jam. It can also be cooked into a guava-butter. Other purposes of a guava is that, it is often used as an added ingredient on ice cream, yogurt and fruit salad.

Guava Fruit Salad

There goes the simple method of eating a guava fruit. On the next succeeding posts, we are going to discuss other unique methods on how you will get to enjoy eating more of this wonderful type of tropical fruit.